Saturday, September 25, 2010

Get in the Habit of Learning About Social Media “Supplemental” Tools

Here is just a very short list of applications you need to research that will make your use of social media more meaningful and more productive.

Note that we have not provided any URLs for these applications! J

1. TweetDeck – A tweet management system that makes using Twitter much easier by organizing your tweets into either predefined or customized categories. It also allows you to tweet, retweet, and reply without logging into Twitter and is great for following trending topics.

2. Twhirl – also a tweet management system; has a cloud computing feature that allows you to follow what’s trending. Can be sent to track everything that’s being tweeted about you, your company or a particular topic such as job search.

3. Postlater - A blog scheduling tool that allows you to post-date blogs and/or microblogs

4. Friendfeed – a web service that allows you to add all of your updates from social media sites, blogs, and microblogs in one place

5. SecondBrain- a social content aggregator that allows you to gather, organize and share online content

6. TweetBeep – used to set up tweet alerts – like Google alerts.

7. Hootsuite - Twitter toolbox. You can manage multiple Twitter profiles, add multiple editors, pre-schedule tweets, and measure your success.

The challenge is not only to investigate these applications but to find others, or perhaps newly released ones, that could help you in your efforts to increase exposure on the Internet. If you are truly a savvy social media user, you know that its power lies in its ability to help you make connections with others!

Rod Colon

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