Friday, December 25, 2009

A Seismic Shift for the 21st Century Job Search

By Rod Colón

Up until a few years ago, The Black Hole was the only game in town.  Today, that’s no longer true.  In 2004, I started engineering a whole new Job Search System for professionals who wanted to manage their careers in the same way a CEO manages a company.  
The system is logical, targeted, and driven by CEO-style business logic.  It leverages the power of advocates — people who will help you get connected to decision-makers or contacts who know those decision-makers — within a company that interests you.  It requires you to develop a powerful value proposition which, if designed correctly, will just about require any sensible decision-maker to grant you an interview.
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Friday, December 18, 2009

The CEO of ME, Inc. Paradigm

By Rod Colón

The CEO of any company runs the company.  CEOs direct all critical operations such as sales and marketing, research and development, strategy, finance, corporate culture, human resources, community affairs, public relations, and so on.
CEOs are primarily responsible for setting the corporate strategy and vision.  They decide which products to introduce into which markets and against which competitors.  CEOs decide how the company will brand itself and differentiate itself in the marketplace.
Ultimately, the CEO is responsible for the success or failure of the company.
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Friday, December 11, 2009

The Goal of Networking

By Rod Colón

Since the Internet boom of the mid 1990s, there has been an explosion of books and articles about networking due to its increasing importance in achieving success in the 20th century jobscape.  While many of these articles seek to clarify the true meaning of networking, some actually muddy up the waters even further.  What’s a novice networker to do?
Let’s put networking squarely in the crosshairs and get a good look at its true meaning.
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