On Tuesday, I gave a presentation at
Remember that you are the President and CEO of ME, Inc. A powerful "Sole Proprietorship" representing great services and provides value to each client. With that in mind stay in control and stick to the fundamental objective stated by the client’s job description. If they asked questions that were not part of the job description you are at liberty to say so gently and ask for further information and clarity so you can answer the question/s appropriately. They will appreciate your business acumen and possibly rein them in a bit if they are not familiar with the position (this happens quite often).
Here are a few other tips:
In a panel interview, you speak with more than one person at one time. Key on the person questioning you at the time, but don't disregard the others. Being comfortable with a self-assured attitude are important. Remember you are in control as the President of your firm - don't be rattled!
Prior to the panel interview, acquire and remember the names of every participant of the panel. Then in the interview, sketch a diagram of the interviewers as they are seated and label the seats with their names. At the end of the interview, express thanks by name and shake hands with each interviewer as you depart. This is a nice touch. Feel free to exchange business cards with each panelist and follow-up.
Best wishes and own your career,
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