Friday, December 23, 2011
Positive Attitudes Blend with the CEO of ME, Inc.
1. I am in charge of my destiny.
If you want something bad enough, you must “make it happen.” Don’t expect good fortune to fall out of the sky and into your lap. There’s a huge difference between wanting something and executing a well-planned strategy for obtaining it.
2. Anything is possible.
Many of us blindly accept the notion that some things are just “impossible.” As a result, we often make no attempt to reach for them. The reality is that people around the world achieve what they previously considered impossible by being relentless in their pursuit of it.
3. No task is too small to do well.
Those who are serious about getting ahead in life assign importance to all tasks, regardless of their size. They realize that others are watching and evaluating their performance — even on the small stuff.
4. Everyone is a potential key contact.
None of us ever know ahead of time who will become a key contact or perhaps an important business ally. That means it’s essential to treat everyone with dignity and respect at all times.
5. I was made to do this job ... and the one above me.
Enthusiasm is contagious. When you bring enthusiasm to the table, you get noticed … and you never know when someone noticing could turn out to be a key decision-maker.
6. It's not just what I know, but who I know.
It’s unwise to entrust your personal success to your intellect alone, smart as you may be. In the 21st century jobscape, you must become a masterful connector and networker. It’s more important now than ever before to understand the economic power contained within relationships.
7. What else can I do?
We’re all busy and we only get 24 hours in a day. But taking on extra work, volunteering, and offering time without getting paid for it is a sign of someone who is committed to success. This is the kind of energy and commitment that gets noticed — and rewarded!
8. Failure helps pave the way to success.
It sounds odd, but failure is often the best thing that can happen to us. Why? It highlights weaknesses and imperfections, providing a perfect starting point for new growth.
9. I am my own biggest fan.
When does exuding self-confidence cross the line into bragging? Most CEOs know how to display a healthy self-image without letting it get out of control. And it’s important to understand this: Having a healthy self-image is part of what makes you attractive to the business community.
10. My opportunity monitor is never turned off.
Opportunities are all around us all the time; it’s just that many of us “tune them out” when we get extra busy or pressed for time. The opportunity monitor must be left in the “on” position so that the truly great ones don’t slip by unnoticed.
Make it happen … I know you can!
I will see you on the radio on Sunday, January 8th at 8am (EST) with Networking Expert, Boxer and Author, Michael Goldberg on “Knock-Out Networking” on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on I look forward to taking your calls at 877.900.1077.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and keep networking alive,
Coach Rod
PS: May the New Year grant all of us the grace to live in love for one another!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Just Do It ... You Are Ready!
At this point, you’re ready to own your career as a business and test your skills for that first solo flight. You’ve fine-tuned the necessary connection and networking skills, fully embraced the CEO of ME, Inc. mind-set, tested your skill at crafting powerful, persuasive value propositions and mastered the 7-Step Job Search Methodology that will enable you to find the job best suited to your unique skills and abilities.
Don’t worry if you hit occasional turbulence such as neglecting to make a key follow-up call or perhaps misreading some core skills in a job description because those types of errors will occur. But by the time you’ve gone through a few complete cycles of the methodology, you will have acquired enough experience to claim that you “know where all the rough spots are.” Having successfully navigated those rough spots, you now become someone who can lead others — and make no mistake, others will want to follow you to learn from your successes and your failures.
Right now, however, it’s time for you to integrate all that you’ve learned into a single, seamless, and logical plan to manage your career as a business. To put it another way, it’s now time for you to just fly the plane!
Make it happen … I know you can!
I will see you on the radio this Sunday morning at 8am (EST) with Roche Executive, Luis Alberto Colón on “The 4 “E’s” to Career Management – Just Do It” on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on I look forward to taking your calls at 877.900.1077.
Happy Holidays and keep networking alive,
Coach Rod
Friday, December 9, 2011
Beyond ME, Inc.
The race for 21st century jobs doesn’t stop just because you’ve successfully navigated your way into a targeted position or landed that ideal client; this entire program is much more than simply “landing a job.” The story is just beginning.
If you’ve internalized the CEO of ME, Inc. paradigm, you now recognize its unique value as a powerful business strategy, too. Simply put, you become a business leader within your network not only because it’s the right thing to for the network, but because it’s the right thing to do for your own business. There is an obvious mutual benefit in this type of business model.
In my view, there are three levels of CEOs that emerge from applying my principles of owning your career and becoming the CEO of ME, Inc.:
1. CEOs of ME, Inc.
Many people will master and implement the job search methodology and CEO mind-set described in my book and go on to find opportunities whenever they’re needed. They are winners in the race for 21st century jobs because they’ve discovered that the process — the 7-Step Job Search Process — really works.
2. CEOs as Networking Leaders
A smaller group will move into positions of leadership, recognizing the value of helping others while improving their branding, exposure, and ever-expanding networks, all of which nourish their own CEO of ME, Inc. business.
Networking Leaders are winners in the race for 21st century jobs because they see the long-term potential of owning their careers and establishing business rules based on reciprocity and trust. They recognize the extraordinary business value in branding themselves as someone who gives freely and without restriction.
3. CEOs as Strategic Partners
Finally, there is a select group of entrepreneurs who combine the CEO of ME, Inc. paradigm with dynamic leadership to develop truly creative and powerful business strategies. Their unique application of the ME, Inc. paradigm is built on tapping the immense reserves of talent and opportunity within their networks to promote products and services that are in high demand. Once the profit motive is appropriately factored in to the business model — while preserving trust, integrity, and the inherent value of relationships — we now have a strategic partner, the highest level of CEO career and business management.
I will see you on the radio this Sunday morning at 8am (EST) with TARGET Executive, David Neiman on “The Retail Industry Is Hot and Here to Stay – Engage the New World of Retail” on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on I look forward to taking your calls at 877.900.1077.
Best wishes and keep networking alive,
Coach Rod
Friday, December 2, 2011
Job Search: Success of Failure is a Matter of Choice
I designed the Extreme Job Search program so that individuals with the highest level of commitment will achieve the greatest success. This is precisely what The Black Hole does not offer.
That said, not everyone is comfortable with my system. I've seen this situation many times in the past. Students of my program with all best intentions, step themselves through some orientation material, get off to a reasonably good start - then pull back when they realize that the full burden of "working the program" rests on their shoulders alone.
But most students find the experience challenging, energizing, and inspirational. They like the idea that their next job (or client) is right around the corner. They like the feeling of being in control of all decisions and actively managing different aspects of their career "enterprise" to achieve success. And they especially like the freedom that comes from knowing they are no longer shackled to The Black Hole.
One message I want to be especially clear about is this: In the late 20th century (generally the early 1990s), the employer/employee model under which most of us labored convinced us that we would always have a position as long as we worked hard and performed at or above expectations.
That model no longer exists. Now it's up to individual "CEO" to direct the business functions of their own careers, e.g., "R & D" (networking and market intelligence), "Sales & Marketing" (resume and interviewing), etc... in order to secure a viable niche in the business landscape of the 21st century.
For better or worse, you are and will be engaged in an uncomfortably tight race for employment survival in the decades to come. My program lays out the rules for that race and asserts that your only real chance of winning is to boldly leave old-style job search thinking in the dust. I firmly believe that my Extreme Job Search System "the 7- Steps" is the best single defense against any extended periods of transition and the needless suffering endured by you and your family as a result.
I will see you on the radio this Sunday morning at 8am (EST) with Motivational Speaker and Author, Abby Kohut on “101 Job Search Secrets” on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on I look forward to taking your calls at 877.900.1077.
Best wishes and keep networking alive,
Rod Colon
Friday, September 30, 2011
Buzz on the Extreme Job Search Program: Seven Steps That Could Change Your Life
Do you really want to know how I help professionals land during these difficult times? Are you sure?
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and let’s get to work on my Extreme Job Search program. It is a procedure that’s been tweaked to near-perfection over the past six years but will undoubtedly be tweaked many more times whenever improvements are discovered, tested, and evaluated.
As you step yourself through this process, we'll take the networking skills you learned, the powerful CEO mind set, and the magnetic attraction of your value proposition and weld them together for maximum impact.
To do this, your CEO business brain must think in four dimensions, i.e., remember that each component (networking, CEO mind-set, value proposition, and methodology) becomes supercharged when combined with the other three but has ample horsepower to stand on its own when the situation calls for it.
This will be challenging work and at times you may become frustrated. But the payoff is substantial: You will cut yourself free from the grip of The Black Hole. Instead of being dependent on people who don’t know you to advance your career goals, you will learn to network your way to an interview, job or contract by leveraging the power of advocates — people who not only know you, but like you, trust you and will gladly help you to “connect the dots.”
The Seven Steps: High Level Overview
Step 1
As the CEO of ME, Inc, you will determine what your core skills are. Everyone is good at something; so what are your skills, talents, and abilities? What would be a suitable title for someone who does your kind of work?
Step 2
You call your work by a particular name; now it’s time to find out what the marketplace calls it. Are you a Java Developer? A Financial Analyst? You’ll make good use of a web site called to perform this task. You’ll also get a first look at opportunities that may be a good fit for you. The importance of this step is that it helps you determine the market demand for your skills (i.e., the spot market; a snapshot of what the prevailing market conditions look like).
Step 3
Now, using LinkedIn and your networking skills, try to identify advocates; these are people either in your network or in the networks of friends, business contacts, etc… who can “connect the dots” for you within a targeted company to get your name circulated among key decision-makers. At this step, you are performing “networking research”, that is, you are not actually reaching out to these advocates yet, just identifying who they are.
Step 4
You will then develop your value proposition consisting of: 1) a targeted resume; 2) a cover letter (or T-Letter), and 3) the job description itself. In this step you are building your case for the job. Since these documents will either make or break you, you will want to have them as close to perfection as possible.
Step 5
Once you’re SURE you understand the position for which you’ve identified suitable advocates, prepare to connect with them. With advocates who are friends, or friends of friends, you'll network to establish a communications chain to the decision makers (your “Research & Development Team” manages this). In all cases, you will document all contact with advocates to ensure timely and appropriate follow-up.
Step 6
After that, you will submit your value proposition as instructed and set up a specific follow-up schedule. You will track your contact with all advocates to ensure that no follow-up calls or e-mails are forgotten.
Step 7
Finally, you will repeat the process. As the CEO of a business, you never settle for having just one client prospect. When you’re in transition and actively looking for work, your goal should be to find at least one new client opportunity per day.
Best wishes and keep networking alive,
Rod Colon
Saturday, August 13, 2011
TRUST: The Glue that Binds Relationships
Thursday, July 21, 2011
How to Handle an Unexpected Panel Interview
On Tuesday, I gave a presentation at
Remember that you are the President and CEO of ME, Inc. A powerful "Sole Proprietorship" representing great services and provides value to each client. With that in mind stay in control and stick to the fundamental objective stated by the client’s job description. If they asked questions that were not part of the job description you are at liberty to say so gently and ask for further information and clarity so you can answer the question/s appropriately. They will appreciate your business acumen and possibly rein them in a bit if they are not familiar with the position (this happens quite often).
Here are a few other tips:
In a panel interview, you speak with more than one person at one time. Key on the person questioning you at the time, but don't disregard the others. Being comfortable with a self-assured attitude are important. Remember you are in control as the President of your firm - don't be rattled!
Prior to the panel interview, acquire and remember the names of every participant of the panel. Then in the interview, sketch a diagram of the interviewers as they are seated and label the seats with their names. At the end of the interview, express thanks by name and shake hands with each interviewer as you depart. This is a nice touch. Feel free to exchange business cards with each panelist and follow-up.
Best wishes and own your career,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Network Your Way into an Unadvertised Opportunity
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
I’m always amazed when individuals come to me with statements of defeat, hopelessness or frustration such as “Rod, I just can’t write a good proposal … it’s hopeless!” or “Rod, I keep striking out during interviews and networking or I can never convince my manager to my point of view.”
Don’t misunderstand: I’m not amazed that they confide in me. I’m amazed that they expect me to wave a magic wand and make the problem go away. So to keep the spotlight of responsibility properly focused on the only person who can solve the problem, I use a technique called bounce back. Here are three examples:
Example #1
“Rod, I’m no good at writing resumes.”
“Jorge, you’re right … you’re no good at writing resumes.”
Example #2
“Rod, I can’t use the telephone to call advocates; I’m just too shy.”
“Melissa, you’re right … you can’t use the telephone to call advocates; you’re just too shy.”
Example #3
“Rod, I’m a failure.”
“Stephan, you’re right … you’re a failure.”
Is this harsh? I don’t think so. I’m not slamming a door in anyone’s face and they all know deep inside that I’m just trying to break down an obstacle that’s preventing both of us from making progress.
But what I’m really trying to do with this technique is to get people to see that they are whatever they truly believe they are. It’s like this: If you think that something really is a certain way, then guess what? It really is! Your thoughts and attitudes become “causation triggers” for the very condition you’re complaining about! I’m confident that Henry Ford would agree with me.
The solution? Stop complaining! Start thinking positively even if it hurts. Just do it! No one has to stay mired in the muck of negativity. It’s time to display a positive face for the world and enjoy all of the successes that are out there waiting for you … so go after them!
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colon
Friday, May 27, 2011
You might think that just being enrolled in the SMC program practically guarantees a successful transition to a new job or position. But you’d be dead wrong.
The success you experience here will come from a strict adherence to some fundamental principles we will teach you. Here is a partial list:
· Your attitude, behavior, and even the way you think all have an unbelievably powerful effect on your success during periods of transition. If you don’t already know how to do it, you will need to develop a positive mental attitude about literally every task — large and small — you take on every day. Setbacks will happen but they should never be allowed to defeat you.
· You must learn how to think like a business owner with respect to your job search and career management activities. You are the CEO of a business and must learn to think and act like one. All decisions are yours, both good and bad. You must learn to hold yourself accountable at all times.
· You will bear the brunt of all work you attempt — no one will bear it for you. This is a measure of character, determination, and commitment to success. You must be relentless about pursuing all angles of the job search, not just the high-profile or glamorous ones.
· Know and understand yourself well. Know your strengths and weaknesses; capitalize on your strengths and avoid situations in which your weaknesses tend to reveal themselves. Even more important, develop a keen sense of self-awareness with respect to your interests, talents, and special skills.
· Never assume that you have made a lasting impression on someone just because you’ve had a great phone call or a fabulous interview. Be absolutely sure you follow up in all interpersonal activities. Keeping your name and face brightly framed in the mind of a would-be decision-maker can be the difference between getting the job you want and yielding it to someone else.
· Learn to acquire mental toughness. If you’ve been raised on the need for comfort and compassion from others to get through your troubles, you may find certain aspects of the SMC Program difficult. You will need to “steel your resolve” to get through the tough times on your own … and once you’ve done it successfully a few times, it will become not only second nature for you but one of the most valuable weapons in your career management arsenal.
· Become a master networker. The more you know about networking and the finer points of executing it, the more successful you’ll be in making connections with decision-makers and advocates who can help you along on your journey.
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colon
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Small Talk: Getting to Know You … Maybe
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
We are CEOs of our Own Companies: Me Inc...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Networking - The Machinery That Drives All Business
Networking is the machinery that drives all business, including the business of managing your own career as its CEO.
By now most professionals know that there are certain “ground rules” to be observed in business networking. For example, the focus needs to be on “what can I do for you?” rather than “what can you do for me?” You must learn to extend yourself first, tackle someone else’s problem, or use some special expertise to help them if help is requested.
Most of us have also heard of the individuals who can’t quite grasp the concept of reciprocity and plow into first-time connections with the force of a bulldozer. Their emphasis is clearly on “me, me” and they are not very subtle about it. Most would-be connections do an abrupt about-face to keep such “networking jerks” far off of their trail.
If you’re wondering what the connection is between proper networking and the job search, it’s this: Your job search will be as successful as the network of relationships you build to help you reach advocates. Networkers gain good, solid exposure by constantly putting themselves “out there” and offering help or guidance as it’s needed or requested. That exposure translates into visibility, one of the most valuable assets a job seeker can have. When you’re visible, when you’re a known and recognized entity within a network, when you’re comfortable about sharing your personal brand with others, you effectively put yourself in the crosshairs of recruiters and decision-makers. The more visible you are, the higher your chances for making the strategic connections that need to be made to get you “inside the company’s front door.”
I'll see you on the radio this and every Sunday morning at 8am (EST) on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on This week we discuss “Extreme Job Search” – Learn the Process.
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colón
Career Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Speaker, Author
Weekly Co-Host of Radio Show "YOUR CAREER IS CALLING".
Friday, March 4, 2011
The Real Reason Why Personal Branding is Critical
For those who take personal branding seriously and commit time, energy and resources to its successful deployment, your reward is just around the corner. Through branding:
1. You establish your value
2. You consistently deliver that value
3. As a result, you establish trust
4. Therefore, can now negotiate
You can now negotiate. While others have frittered away their time on meaningless Black Hole job searches, you have positioned yourself in a kind of job search “catbird seat” because you now have a very high level of market value credibility. That means when it’s time for an interview, you can look forward to having the leverage to ASK for a level of compensation that you believe is both fair and genuinely deserved instead of being forced to accept whatever is offered.
For those who land an interview but who have not adequately branded themselves, they are still – despite the success of landing an interview – still at the mercy of the decision-maker when it comes to negotiating a salary.
Critical is developing your value proposition, a way of attracting the employer to you by providing rock-solid, compelling evidence of your skills, talents, and abilities – especially with regard to how they match that employer’s specific needs for a particular position. If you are already well-branded before developing your value proposition, you are at the pinnacle of power with regard to the 21st century job search. All you have to do now is “make it happen.”
1. If your business (i.e., what you do better than anyone else) could be captured in a logo and tagline, what would it be? This is not a request to actually develop your logo, but just to describe it so that others could visualize it. Try to be as specific as you can and to have solid, defensible reasons for your ideas and selections.
I'll see you on the radio this and every Sunday morning at 8am (EST) on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colón
Friday, February 25, 2011
A Personal Brand is a Mixture of Perception and Promise
Your brand is a perception or emotion on the part of others that describes the total experience of having a relationship with you. Many business and marketing experts consider a brand to be an experience, a promise, or a warranty. Still others regard a brand as simply a type of “value shorthand.”
Successful businesses have mastered the art of branding to expand their customer base and remain dominant forces within their particular industry. Generally speaking, powerful brands are associated with powerful imagery that includes a distinctive logo, corporate title, and punchy tagline. Look at the list of companies below and see if a mental image is formed as you read the name. If a powerful mental image is formed around the perception of value associated with these business names, then branding has been extraordinarily successful for them:
· Starbucks
· The Ritz-Carlton
· McDonald’s
· Nike
· Morton Salt
· Coca Cola
Many people read a list like this and can almost instantly visualize the company logo and tagline. But if there is also an almost instant perception of value or benefit, then branding is heavily responsible for the success of that product or service in the marketplace.
As the business owner of ME, Inc, you need to be very serious about making your business stand out from everyone else’s.
I'll see you on the radio this and every Sunday morning at 8am (EST) on Your Career Is Calling on 107.7 FM and online on
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colón
Friday, February 18, 2011
Welcome To Shape My Career!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Your Career Is Calling on Monday and Wednesday Nights at 9PM (EST)
You can tune in on 107.7 FM and online on
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colon
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Q&A with Rod Colon
Friday, January 21, 2011
Connections: When It’s You and Someone Else
I have a special reverence for those occasions when I meet a person and step into his or her life for the very first time. You never know what surprises await. The person you’re about to meet may have won a Pulitzer Prize, climbed
Whenever you first meet someone, you take a risk — but that’s how all good relationships start. They start with an element of chance, the chance that the other person might become a good friend or perhaps a trusted business associate based on common interests, shared experiences, and perhaps some good old-fashioned intuition.
But if you’re not willing to risk a first encounter, there’s little hope of developing any relationships. Call me foolish, but I relish these opportunities because, even when the worst-case scenario does occur, I still end up learning a great deal about human nature. There is never any real failure in the connection laboratory, just occasional setbacks.
In reality, first-time connections are golden opportunities for future relationships and in the business world, connections and relationships are everything. Just try conducting business without them! You won't get very far — and that will be especially true in the 21st century jobscape where the opportunities for business growth will be heavily dependent on the strength and abundance of personal relationships.
Determine Someone’s Wants / Needs / Desires (W/N/D)
Let me share a special technique that creates an immediate bond with another person. The technique is to get people talking about their W/N/D (wants/needs/desires). It's an incredible weapon in your networking arsenal.
This is how it plays out in conversation: You pick up a casual remark about selling Girl Scout cookies or coaching the swim team, for example. That then gives you a hook on which to hang questions, express interest, and fuel a conversation. The best part is that your desire to learn about someone else frequently triggers reciprocal inquiries because people are naturally curious. Presto! You’ve just established a connection. Whether it deepens or dissolves from this point on is totally up to the two of you.
Uncover a Person’s Passion and Build an Instantaneous Bond
Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone, believes that if you uncover a person’s true passion, you have a golden opportunity to bond with that individual since you’ll be connecting on a powerful, emotional level. Indeed, most people will freely share information about their passions and interests.
FORM = Family / Occupation / Recreation / Money (FORM = GOALS)
Another useful formula for making connections is the FORM Equation. Get someone talking about any of the four topics above and you’ll be connecting in record time. Why? People love to talk about the powerful motivations that propel them toward their life goals.
Nurture the Budding Relationship
Once you establish an interesting connection with someone, nurture it with periodic follow-up. Connections can be solid but fleeting; if you sense there is substance to a new connection, don’t miss the chance to reinforce it by making a phone call or two. Nurturing a good connection is the best way to solidify it into a trusted, long-term relationship.
Follow up
Don’t allow yourself to forget this critical step. In my view, the failure to follow up with newly made acquaintances – and even people with whom you already share a trusted relationship – accounts for almost half of all relationship failures.
Play It Low-Key With Bad Connections
Many of us carry a certain amount of negative baggage. But if it consistently oozes into the conversation with someone you’ve just met, consider an early exit. People who radiate negativity drag everyone else down with them. Who needs that when you’re already hip-deep in a job search?
The bottom line is this: If you decide that a new connection isn't going to work, politely head for the door. Confrontations rarely produce positive results.
Best wishes and own your career,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Link to Rod Colon's Interview on ABC-TV "Tiempo" on Sunday, January 16th
"Tiempo" is a weekly round-table discussion show about topics affecting and relating to Hispanic citizens.
This week on Tiempo: Sunday, January 16:
This week on Tiempo, we begin with an issue plaguing the entire country. Unemployment is hitting the Latino community especially hard. Radio host and career coach Rod Colon of "Empowering Today's Professionals" joins the show and shares tips on dealing with joblessness.
Clink the link below to see the interview:
Best wishes and own your career,
Rod Colon
Friday, January 14, 2011
Shape My Career Counselor Rod Colon Guest on ABC-TV
"Tiempo" is a weekly round-table discussion show about topics affecting and relating to Hispanic citizens.
Please join us for "Tiempo" on Sunday mornings (11:30 AM), only on ABC-7!
This week on Tiempo: Sunday, January 16:
This week on Tiempo, we begin with an issue plaguing the entire country. Unemployment is hitting the Latino community especially hard. Radio host and career coach Rod Colon of "Empowering Today's Professionals" joins the show and shares tips on dealing with joblessness.
Find more information:
Then, we explore the remarkable history of Grand Central Terminal. Now, you can learn the secrets of this
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