By Rod Colón
7-Step Job Search MethodologyIt is a procedure that’s been tweaked to near-perfection over the past five years but will undoubtedly be tweaked many more times whenever improvements are discovered, tested, and evaluated.
As you step yourself through this process, we'll take the networking skills, the powerful CEO mind set, and the magnetic attraction of your value proposition and weld them together for maximum impact.
To do this, your CEO business brain must think in four dimensions, i.e., remember that each component (networking, CEO mind-set, value proposition, and methodology) becomes supercharged when combined with the other three but has ample horsepower to stand on its own when the situation calls for it.
This will be challenging work and at times you may become frustrated. But the payoff is substantial: You will cut yourself free from the grip of The Black Hole. Instead of being dependent on people who don’t know you to advance your career goals, you will learn to network your way to an interview, job or contract by leveraging the power of advocates — people who not only know you, but like you, trust you and will gladly help you to “connect the dots.”
Decision Time: Do It Right or Don’t Do It at All
The 7-Step Job Search Methodology comes with a few caveats. Please make sure you understand them because each has a critical purpose. The omission of any one of them may nullify your best efforts.
· This is a 7-Step Methodology. Not four. Not six. Seven. You must execute all seven steps for the methodology to work. If you skip a step, the methodology will not work. If you forget a step, same result.
· Think of the methodology as a giant loop: When you reach Step 7, you must go back and start the process all over. Do not expect to achieve success by stepping yourself through the procedure a few times, getting discouraged, then abandoning the effort. Keep working the process. There is momentum and magic in the repetition.
· You need to make a genuine effort to understand each step. You must say to yourself, “What’s going on here? What is Rod really asking me to do?” You can take your chances on following the steps blindly, but if you’re not sure why you’re doing them, what good can they serve?
· The “7 Steps” are listed in sequence. Do Number 1 first. Do Number 3 third, and so on. Arbitrarily changing the sequence renders the methodology useless.
· You cannot afford to be indecisive. At various points in the methodology, you’ll need to make tough decisions. Make them! You’re the CEO of a business!
· The “7-Steps” provides strong probability — but no guarantees. There is a far greater chance of finding a job with this system than through The Black Hole.
· Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the use of LinkedIn. It is an integral part of the procedure. If you think you’ll need assistance with LinkedIn, please find a good reference or browse through some online bookstores.
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